Friday, April 22, 2011

The Easter Story - by David McCollum class of 65

From the publisher


The Easter story

Christ’s resurrection gives all people hope that, through our faith, ‘good’ can triumph

This weekend, many Christian churches across our city, our nation and throughout the world will be filled as congregations celebrate Holy Week and Easter, the most important holiday of the spiritual calendar.

The powerful Easter story commences as Jesus is betrayed by his friend Judas.

Jesus is immediately arrested and placed on trial before a judge who was ordered by fearful government leaders to ensure that the “King of the Jews” would be found guilty.

Following the directed guilty verdict, Jesus was subjected to the most brutal and horrific treatment one can imagine, including public humiliation, mocking, torture, crucifixion and subsequent death while nailed to a wooden cross, among two common thieves, on a hillside near Jerusalem.

His broken body was laid to rest in a nearby tomb.

Jesus’ death was mourned by friends and followers who could not believe that their Savior and healer was no longer living among them. How empty their lives must have felt.

Three days later, Christ’s body had disap­peared from the tomb and was feared to have been stolen. However, a short time later, he re­appeared among his disciples and friends with his wounds still fresh. He proclaimed that the prophecies had been fulfilled, and that he had died for all the sins of man. After 40 days, Jesus ascended into heaven, giving hope of salvation for all believers.

What a joyful experience for those who were present at this miraculous event. Now, more than 2,000 years later, what a wonderful legacy we have received – the opportunity for a new beginning and the promise of eternal life.

The Easter story has been told many times, in many ways, from passionate sermons to solemn sunrise services to dramatizations, movies and music. Jesus’ innocence, fol­lowed by extreme brutality, concluding with the understanding that all our sins can be forgiven, provides a powerful emotional narrative that reminds us of our need for fidel­ity to our faith and to our fellow men and women.

In America, we have the opportunity to enjoy religious freedom, a privilege that is denied in many places throughout the world. As Christians throughout our great nation gather this weekend with friends and family to enjoy the celebration of Christ’s resurrec­tion and our traditional Easter feasts, we should all give thanks that we live in an incred­ible country where we are safe from much of man’s inhumanity to fellowmen.

Our country is not perfect, but there is no other place I would prefer to live. Accord­ing to a recent ABC News poll, 83 percent of Americans identify themselves as Chris­tians. Only 4 percent say they follow a non-Christian religion and 13 percent profess no religion. I am proud that the United States of America is an exceptionally tolerant country that provides non-Christian individuals and organizations the opportunity and freedom to express their spirituality without fear of government interference.

As Christians, Jaki and I pray for all Las Crucens to have a safe and blessed Easter weekend. May the spirit of Christ be with every American. God bless America.
Thank you David.
It's Friday and Sunday is coming!

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