Thursday, July 26, 2012

Old dogs can't learn new tricks

Well there is an old saying that “old dogs can’t learn new tricks”.  I am living proof that this is just not true.  Joe Bowie had challenged me over the years to further my education and pass the CFP exam (Certified Financial Planner).   It was about 2 months ago through lots of time and prayer I passed the exam.  It was a journey that started over a year ago with three classes a week at 3 hours per class.  Then it was studying on average over 2 hours a day and all told it was more than 75 tests (I should emphasize over 75 TESTS) ranging from 1 hour to the last one was 10 hours.  I feel extremely blessed as there was only a 57% pass rate.

With all of that said, life is a journey and it is a choice to how you invest in it.  I am not speaking about money although that is important but I am speaking about how we chose to invest our time and our words, 86,400 seconds everyday.  Use it or lose it.  Invest it helping others, spending time with your family and church, or spend it thinking and doing the wrong things.  

This year I will turn 60 and the way I see it I should have about 25 years to invest in my family, friends, and you.  So today is a great new day and I am looking toward His greater purpose.

This is a story I wrote for our newsletter at work and I thought I would share it with you.  If you would like to get our  newsletter send me your physical address and we will add you to our mailing list at Retirement Investment Advisors.

So what do you learn in the Osage?

  • You are only done if you think you are done
  • You are never to old to start
  • Even when you doubt, if you persevere you can overcome
Thanks for your time,

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