Friday, April 10, 2020

It's Friday and Sunday is Coming -- warning PG 13 or worse

I once heard a song titled "It's Friday and Sunday is Coming" and I thought it was one of the best ever.  I got to thinking, if the disciples knew what was going to happen Sunday and believed it, would things have been different?  We will never know but one thing is certain, He died on Friday and He arose on Sunday. 

Why is it so easy to believe George Washington crossed the Delaware or Ronald Reagan was an actor turned President of the United States but so many don't believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ when there are thousands of non-Christian documents about the life of Christ and in fact more writings about Christ than any other person in history? 

Well, I was one of those who was not sure either until during college a guy named Norman Voss who made me mad because he said I had to belong to the Church of Christ to be a Christian.  And there was another person, Paula Neal, who frustrated me to death because she thought I was not a believer.  Well, God works in mysterious ways.  I got mad enough that I decided I needed to know weather I believed in God because my parents were Methodist or if there was enough evidence supporting the life of Christ. 

What I found out was that I believed in God and always did but so did the devil and so did a lot of very bad folks and even more very good folks.  So, I found out that believing is not enough.  I also found out there were volumes of books about the life of Christ and most of the old ones were written by Jews who did not believe He was God on earth.  I also found out there is dramatic archaeological evidence supporting all of the bible. 

I also found smart folks have a tendency to believe more in themselves than in Christ but I heard a story the other day just for those folks.  I have to warn you it is off color by city standards but by farm standards it is just common language so don't get your underwear in a wad.  If you continue reading this, you were warned. 

So here goes:   There was this little girl riding on an airplane next to a sophisticated business man.  The little girl asked him if he believed in God and he responded, "no, I think it is silly".  He also told her that you cannot see God and therefore He does not exist.  So the little girl asked him:

If a cow shits and creates patties and horse shits and it creates these large round balls, and a rabbit shits and makes small little pellets can you explain why?  He laughed and said no.  Then she remarked, "why do you think God doesn't exist if you don't know shit?"

I wonder if any preacher has the guts to use that in a sermon. 

Well, I guess you figured it out, I became a believer, the hard way and even though I am not perfect I am forgiven because I transferred my faith from that which is easy to Jesus Christ.

So what do you learn in the Osage?

  • there is a lot of bullshit going around about what God is not
  • Jesus died so that all my s___ don't matter
  • Jesus loves me in spite of all my faults as long as I transfer my faith to Him and not myself
Thanks for listening,


jimdog said...

I had to laugh, and lot's of truth in your words, however, I'm not sure this is for non-farm folks, ha.

Gary Olson said...

I laugh when I read it each time