Friday, September 28, 2012

What do you do when you are not inspired?

We all have bad days and sometimes it seems like weeks and maybe it creeps into months and a year or two but how do I or you deal with it?  Today was one of those exceptional days where very little went right and I found myself overburdened, frustrated and defeated.  I am certain this never happens to you (just kidding).

Shouna and I were discussing this evening about how arrogant we can be when we believe that all we do depends on us or is about us.  Have you every worked so hard and just been frustrated beyond what you thought you could handle?  Well for me that is the utmost arrogance I can have because I claim to know Christ and yet I act like it all depends on me.  I see myself in a backward kind of way as earning or believing that my behavior is what God is going to use to measure me.  In my arrogance I forgot that God sees me through the cross as perfect and forgiven.  I could never be good enough or work enough or deserve it enough to be seen by God as worthy.  It is only through Christ.

The amazing thing is I feel great when I back away and look at what was important and feel accomplished but most of all grateful and inspired.  Inspired because He sees me as perfect amongst my imperfections and arrogance.  He never promised a rose garden (sounds like a song) and he never promised an easy life although living in America is an easy life.  If you don't believe me go to some of the third world countries where they get drinking water out of the same pond or trough the animals walk and take a dump in.

What do you learn in the Osage?

  • Quality of life is dependent on your choices
  • There are cows upstream in the same creek I am taking a drink from
  • Your friends are drinking from the creek you are taking a leak in 
Thanks for your time,

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