Thursday, September 15, 2011

I am NEVER going to say "the good old days"

I don't know about you but I never thought I would say, "the good old days" because Mom and Dad and everyone that was 50 or older when we were young said that.  We use to make fun of how they "walked to and from school barefoot up hill both ways in the snow".

Now I want to tell you I really do like the good old days!  Today I was visiting with a friend and he was getting ready to give a speech at our "client appreciation luncheon and dinner" and he had gone back and read a speech he gave to the clients in 1994 and basically here is what it said:

  • today we are experiencing earth quakes all over the world
  • the weather patterns are changing
  • the stock market is in a mess
  • people are scared and uncertain about their financial future
  • the government is spending too much
  • and on and on
Well you figured it out by now, things never change, they simply have a new wrapper on them.  Just like "the good old days"  has a new wrapper on it but it is me saying what Mom and Dad always said.

The new wrapper is we drove cars with no air conditioner and only a radio that had AM and FM and when eight track tapes came in we added a black box screwed underneath the dash board and wired it ourselves.  We never locked our cars and we always had a gun in case we wanted to go hunting.  We never worried about  someone shooting someone and we left our houses unlocked.  We ate three meals a day and two of them were with everyone in the family sitting down at the same time.  The third meal was at school and we called it dinner not lunch.

You get the idea.  Those were really great times and I am looking forward to my next high school reunion.  Hopefully David Howell will be there handing out life savers.

What do you learn in the Osage?
  • there are cycles to life and they are never as bad when you look back
  • those hard times were the best of times
  • forget the bad and remember the good
  • the older you get the more you realize everyone is just as smart and just as good looking  and we are all alike but everyone just has their own abilities, strengths and weaknesses
God bless America
Thanks for your time,

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