Wednesday, September 25, 2024

First business adventure: Turtles

 I know this is from an older story but just to reminisce I want to share my first business adventure and then I am going to add in some stories about my business history .

Well, when i was about 7 years old and we had the Grainola District Fair going on I had experienced for a few years turtle races.  The way it worked is I would find a terrapin and then use fingernail polish (red) to mark it with my name (don't worry, it was on the shell and would wear off easily and not harm the terrapin).  Then one of the men would draw a large circle on the blacktop by the Grainola School (see pic of old school building) and then take a cardboard box and everyone would pay 10 cents to enter and then place your terrapin (turtle) in the box in the middle of the circle.  The person in charge would raise the box (there was no bottom in the box) and the turtles would be off to the races.  The first turtle reaching the outside of the circle would win (there usually was a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place).

This was a pretty fund gig, but I soon realized there was a better way to make money.  I started with my dad's help gather turtles/terrapins a few weeks early and then at the Grainola District Fair I would sell turtles.  Yep, I made a killing as most kids did not have a turtle and wanted to enter the races.  Of course, the dads were very competitive and would pay the higher prices to get a good racing turtle.  Another advantage I had was that I could test the turtles for speed and keep that one for me.  Now I will have to tell you that turtles are unpredictable, and one might not even put its head out for the race, but I had no guarantees for performance, but I could sell you another turtle.

So what do you learn in the Osage?

  • a turtle in the hand is worth more than two in the bushes
  • Leverage your opportunity by finding what others don't see
  • Enjoy what you are doing, else find something that excites you
Thanks for listening,
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Monday, September 23, 2024


 heebie-jeebies - yes, it is a real word, and it scares me to death.

Have you ever walked to a cliff or a balcony and looked down?  Well, last week I was in the mountains (Yellowstone and Grand Tetons) and was hiking with Shouna and Preston.   My entire life I have been scared of heights.  Now, I don't avoid them, but they give me the heebie-jeebies.  I can set and watch a movie and when they jump off a cliff I get the heebie-jeebies.  OK, but here is what I learned in the national parks which also include Flaming Gorge and the National Dinosaur Monument:

  • the earth has gone through several hot and cold climate changes over millions of years
  • there were large floods that caused the dinosaurs to die off in a short period of time and due to the flood were piled up in a riverbed
  • large canyons and mountains formed by plates of rock pushing against each other and that water from floods caused a great deal of erosion
  • that our government and its agencies only show one possibility of how this occurred and not a single person lived to see this all happen
What interests me is that there is a possibility that a large flood like in the Bible could have been the cause of all of this.  Also, that global warming has been happening over and over again but no one that we talked to considered that global warming today might be for the same reason it has happened in the past.  In fact, based on the evidence they shared it sounds like we are in a normal cycle and man and animal has survived several of these cycles.  Does anyone beside me find it amazing that only one point of view is given?  I don't know and in fact was not there during creation even though I am getting old.  It seems to me that it takes more faith to believe in the BIG BANG than it does to believe in creation.

If a big bang would have happened, it seems that an explosion would create scattering of debris rather than organization.  Well, I am not the sharpest rock in the pile, but it seems to me that the logic is flawed or at least biased based on what they are looking for.   

So, what do you learn in the Osage?
  • heebie-jeebies are a function of expectations, for me heights scare me
  • what you become is a function of what you are looking for
  • I chose to live by faith in Jesus Christ and that no matter what, He wins in the end
  • It is easier to trust in God than to trust in opinions of those looking for answers in the wrong places 
Thanks for listening,

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Visiting the SWAMP

 I hope everyone remembers visiting Washington DC and what an incredible place it is.  The history and what we stand for are everywhere except in the political arena, the SWAMP.  I am not going to get too political but here is what resonates with me and how it ties back to Grainola, Shidler and the Osage.

I am actually here today (2024 07 03) and yesterday I visited Arlington Cemetary where 100's of thousands of soldiers are buried who gave their life for freedom.  There were no black and white or red and yellow markers based on your skin tones.  It was all about those who served and cared.  I thought a lot about my family and particularly Uncle Snyd (Vernon) Snyder, Wayne and Stanley Patterson (on the Lane side of the family), Paul and Arnold Jones and my dad and many others.  

So, my question for you and hopefully my children and grandchildren is, "why and what for?".  I went to the FDR memorial which is quite beautiful and one of his quotes (not accurate but you will get the idea), was that "everyone should have food, shelter and not want".  What he stated also was that all should work if capable and I believe that was excluding those who are handicapped not those that have self-inflicted problems.  Even the handicapped can do something but the government/swamp folks are too stupid to figure out how to fix it.  Perhaps they should ask the people.  Let's do help those who cannot help themselves.  Sorry, I got off subject.

I don't think that is why these folks went in the service.  I think they went to preserve our freedom and way of life.  I agree no one should be hungry but I think a WANT to do better and a WANT to get ahead and a WANT to change are good.  I wanted to serve in the Marines and got drafted to only get turned down due to a back injury.  I wanted to be witty and talented like Steve Chrisco and Jimmy Heath.  I wanted to not drive on gravel roads.  I wanted to not milk cows, I wanted to work in an air-conditioned building like Uncle Bill Heath.  I can go on, but you get the idea, if you don't want for anything because it is handed to you then you will NEVER get over yourself or get out of the rut of complacency.  I once heard it said that the only difference between a rut and a grave was the ENDS are closed up.

My grandpa Olson came to America at 16 and the first day he was robbed and did not speak English and did not know anyone.  He WANTED a better life, and he came legally (yep, that is political).  He did not want to be hungry, so he scrapped to get a little food and ultimately found a job and worked his way to Kansas.  He did well because he WANTED.

About 50 years ago Susie Snyder said something to me that made a lot of sense and still makes sense today.  She said all the government programs/giveaways and I do mean ALL should have an end.  In fact, she stated that if you just decreased benefits every year by 5% then folks would have time to adjust.  That is too simple, but you get the idea.

Warning, this is political.  Would it be better for the government to NOT have the best pay and benefits so that there is an incentive to get a job outside of the government?  I do want to make an exception for schoolteachers, not administrative folks or college professors and their admin.  We all know that colleges have gotten out of hand on just about everything.

Well, I guess I better quit, but what do you learn in the Osage?

  • the government cannot fix anything
  • work and hard work is good for the sole
  • WANT and discipline are two of the most important aspects of a person's life
  • Jesus is coming and not soon enough in my opinion
Thanks for listening,

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Why men go hunting and why it should still be a holiday.

This might get me and a lot of men in trouble, but it just might give some information to a woman into why men are like they are. 

Have you ever wondered why a man goes and sits in a tree for a week in freezing cold weatherSometimes it even rains and freezes ice on the man while sitting in a treeNow there are men who just have more sophistication (that really means more money to burn) and sit in one of those nice boxes on top of a tower with a heater and windows to block the cold wind.   There are also those with less sophistication (money) who sit in a 55-gallon metal drum sitting on top of a tripod about 15 feet in the airNow I will have to tell you that barrel is cold, but it does stop the windThe other bad thing is you have to stick your head out of the barrel where it is windy and cold to shoot.  Of course, there is a seat in the barrel so you can at least relax a little but there is NO leg room in there and it is not made for tall or fat folks like ME. 

Now there are men who actually hire/pay someone to take them up into the mountains on horseback where it is cold and windy and miserable by most folk's standards to hunt deer or elk. If you are more sophisticated (more money) moose.  There on that mountain, you have paid more money to be more miserable and more sophisticated.   

Well with all this said let’s examine the why of this sport. 

  1. Men are not like women – does that resonate with anyone?   

  1. Men dip, chew and scratch and women don’t like any of it normally.

  1. Men pass gas (fart), tell off color jokes. 

  1. Believe it or not it is fun and refreshing to be outdoors. 

  1. I personally would rather take the pictures, but it is a thrill to hunt and kill just like our ancestors did years agoJust to make it clear it is not that I don’t want to shoot the animal, but I don’t want to clean it and carry it and I really don’t like to eat it unless you are like Larry Travis or Rich Kanaly or Rich Jefferies who have the meat made into sausage or jerky. 

  1. Now there is one reason which is the motivation for this article and that is men need to get away from the women. 

Let me explain why men need to get away from the womenFirst, if you stay home, they are going to tell you to do somethingSecond, if they don’t tell you to do something, they are going to make you feel guilty for not doing somethingThird, if you don’t feel guilty and they are DOING while you are sitting you should feel guilty and therefore you are guilty.  So, the number 1 reason for sitting in the cold and freezing weather is to get away from the women. 

 So, what do you learn in the Osage? 

  1. Men like to relax and not get in trouble for it. 

  1. Hunting allows men to do what men do best, sit, spit, tell stories, pass gas etc. 

  1. Not 100%, but women don’t hunt. 

Thanks for your time, 



Friday, March 1, 2024

Are we getting over protective or what?

 Growing up in the Osage, I remember Larry and I would take off to go fishing or hunting and basically Mom would assume we would come home when we were hungry.  Of course, things are different now, but are they really?  

When we went fishing, we would take our fishing seine and catch minnows and crawdads to fish with and sometimes we would go around the barns looking for worms hidden under old boards or around the sewer system.  We also went catching grasshoppers and crickets to fish with.  Now if we were going only after catfish, we would steal some liver from the freezer (actually we did not have to steal it because no one except mom liked cooked liver).  The next step in fishing was taking our bait and head for the creek, Beaver Creek.  Now there were two great places we focused on, and one was pretty close to the house where there was a bend in the creek and thus making a deep hole where there were plenty of fish.  The other place was Soup's fishing hole.  It was named after Soup Wade, but that is another story.  Typically, Larry would take one side of the creek and I would take the other.  I never knew why but Larry would almost always get more fish than me.  It was probably because I had a little more ADHD, and he was patient.  

Now hunting was a little different and it depended on what we were hunting for, quail or squirrel.  Larry typically carried a 410 and I carried a single shot 22.  Again, Larry outperformed me, but I think he liked the fact that I could spot quail and squirrels faster than anyone.  For some reason my dad (Cliff) and I had the ability to see with clarity great distances and we both had a very wide field of vision making it easier to catch things moving and a long way off.

So, what is the point?  We were allowed to be independent and make decisions including consequences for making bad ones.  Luckily, we did not drown or kill anyone, especially each other, but we had lots of fun and adventures.

So, what did we learn in the Osage?

  • getting exercise was fun when you had a good purpose, we walked for miles and miles.
  • we learned to play and work together, but most of all we learned about each other.
  • you learn a lot by doing and living rather than sitting and watching.
thanks for listening,

Monday, February 5, 2024

Cherry Pie, can anything beat it?

 Miss Beth Shumate made the best cherry pie, and she made it for me so many times I cannot remember.  She was my 3rd, 4th and 5th grade teacher plus a great friend of the family.  In fact, I would say between her and Gladys Snyder (Aunt Gladys) and their kids, they were family.  

I loved it when Sally, Janie, Larry and Debbie would have to go to Ponca City to the orthodontist because I would get to go home with Antie Beth (Miss Shumate).  That was when she would make those cherry pies for me.  There was one downside to all of this.  When her sewer lines and sewer tanks got clogged or full, I was the designated HONEY DIPPER.  That means I was the repair man.  If you are too much of a city person to understand, let me explain.

In small towns and rural America folks did not have city sewer and water.  They had water wells and sewer lines with a tank buried underground in their yards.  It was common for those sewer lines to be made of clay pipes about 4 to 6 feet long connected but packed with led to seal them together.  The problem was/is that over time tree roots would push that lead packing out and fill the lines so there would be no drainage.  The other problem is sometimes the tanks would fill up with s__t and stuff.  That is when the honey dipper got called into action.  Luckily the only two folks I had to do this job for was Miss Shumate and Gladys Snyder.  In fact, the only pay I ever got for either of these two ladies work was cherry pie.  Now Aunt Gladys was never much of a cook, so I did not get any cherry pie from her.  Basically, I think my folks thought we should do this work as an act of kindness.  AT MY EXPENSE!

Actually, I did not mind as they were both great to me.  They both were mentors to me and were mighty big in my life.  I would have to say I got one dig (joke) in for Miss Shumate when she retired.  They had this party at the Grainola Methodist Church, and they asked me to speak.  Miss Shumate never liked my penmanship, and she knew I was terrible at spelling.  I happily shared at her retirement that her cherry pies were a great reward and that you do not have to have good penmanship or be a great speller to be successful.  I got a few good laughs.

So, what do you learn in the Osage?

  • Cherry pie can make a man do anything for a woman, including dipping s___
  • Teachers and their words can make a difference in the lives of children
  • Hard work and dirty work can make a better person and build character for a lifetime
Thanks for listening,

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Who were your bullies in life?

 I suppose everyone has a bully in their life even if you were a giant like me.  Now the question is: did they make me a better person or a worse person, secure or insecure?  

It always seemed to me that the big kids and especially those older than me were bullies including my brother, Larry.  Especially when I went to Shidler in the 8th grade there were a lot of folks older who wanted to push me around because I was big for my age.  Luckily a lot of folks caught up with me in size by the time I got into high school.  But one event stands out to me that is outside of this topic.  One of those upper classmen wanted to fight me and kept pushing for a fight during a basketball game.  But my hero was a fellow classmate and a lot smaller guy than me.  It was Ricky Cottle who stopped the person and told the bully to step outside with him and fight.  Well, it did happen, and Rick won the fight.  I was not bothered again by that bully.  I think Rick became the tallest person to me, tall in character.

Back to the point of the story.  I am going to propose to you that being bullied and being intimidated can actually turn out to be a good thing.  I was never one to pick a fight nor did I want to.  But out of those times I learned to persevere and that bullies have a self-image problem bigger than mine.  When I say persevere, I mean that I learned how to win without a physical fight.  In fact, this reminds me of a friend that was extremely short and got bullied a lot.  One of his bullies was being aggressive and my friend told him to pile up his money and stand on it and he would do the same.  He then told the bully let's see who is taller now.  I thought that was hilarious, but it made a point.  Now I am not saying money is everything, but I am saying that you do not measure a man by his self-centered bully pulpit.

Sure bullies are not a good thing, but overcoming is what counts.  It does not matter in life how many times you get knocked down, it only matters how many times you get back up.

So what do you learn in the Osage?

  • Character is what counts in a person
  • Doing the right thing is the right thing
  • Persevere, get up one more time than you get knocked down and you will be a winner
Thanks for listening,

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Why run a marathon?

 When I was in high school, I really never gave a thought to running a marathon, but I did make some attempt in track while at good old Shidler High School.  

The first strange thing I did in track that made a lasting impression on me and my life was on the way home from a track meet in Newkirk.  I was in the 9th grade, freshman, and I had a lot of friends in the Osage who chewed tobacco (tobacca) including my Uncle Don Lane, mom's brother.  In fact, a lot of school buddies dipped Skoal or Garrett's Sweet Snuff or the old hard chew where you bit it off of a square chunk of tobacco.  Back to the bus ride.  I decided I would give my first and LAST attempt at chewing Red Man.  By the time I got back to Shidler I was throwing up my guts and the other end was not a whole lot better.  After that I never had a desire to partake in having a small amount between tongue and cheek.

As a side note I have to tell you about Uncle Don, who never could be seen without a big wad in the side of his mouth.  He could spit a huge amount all the time.  Anyway, my brother Larry got stung by a bee and Uncle Don had the remedy right there to stop the swelling which was started immediately.  He took that big wad out of his mouth and slapped it on the side of Larry's head behind his ear.  IT WORKED, although I would say it was gross and dripped down the side of his head.

Back to the topic.  Two times I made a great mistake and decided I could compete in running.  Again, at the track meet in Newkirk, Oklahoma, I entered the 640-yard race.  I don't think they ever have that race today.  I did get a bronze medal which was a huge surprise to me and probably everybody else except I don't think there were more than 3 in the race, but if there were, they had to be the slowest people in the area. 

My second running event was another day, and I was in the sophomore year of high school.  It was 12 miles from Shidler to Grainola and I decided I could make that run pretty easily as I was in great shape from basketball.  What I did not know is that running on blacktop with the wrong shoes could give you serious shin splits.  I did make it about 10 or 11 miles, and someone gave me a ride home.  The pain and memory of that has been a great reward.  I have never even considered running like that again.

Now one last running opportunity.  As an adult working downtown Oklahoma City there was a triathlon corporate event that I entered.  It was run a mile, and 100 pushups.  and swim 1/4 mile.  It was no problem with the running, and I never made it to pushups.  You see I was never a good swimmer and I hyperventilated, and 3 girls had to pull me out of the pool.  I could not even stand up and I laid on the side of the pool for a long time, embarrassing!

That is my running history.

So what do you learn in the Osage?

  • do a little research to know what you are getting into.
  • there is absolutely nothing good comes from tobacco except maybe losing some weight or fixing a bee sting.
  • all decisions have consequences, some good and some bad
  • the moral of the story is THINK and give some time before making some of those stupid decisions like a tattoo or nose ring that you might regret later.
Thanks for listening,


Monday, January 22, 2024

Who were you idols/heroes?

 I am sure everyone had somebody that they admired and aspired to be like.  Well, I sure did, and there were several which I have already mentioned but today I want to mention a few more that are not so obvious.

Uncle Bill Heath was a reasonably quiet man, but I sure was motivated by him because he was smart but most of all, he seemed to care about me.  He would teach me chess and take me to his office and show me the computers and he talked to me like I was important.  Of course, his wife, Aunt Peggy, was wonderful and she just allowed me to have fun when I was at their house.  She also made cinnamon rolls for me, my favorite food.  We always played games at their house, but Joe and I also got to have peach fights and play in the ditches when there were huge rains, and the ditches were full of water.  In fact, Joe and his sisters are the ones I wanted to share about today.

Joe was an incredible athlete, and he threw the ball so hard that I was scared to catch for him.  He played football and I just wanted to be good like him.  His sister Cathy was so dog-gone smart, and I wanted to be smart like her.  Marie was fun and talented (she was in the band) but most of all she was kind to me as I was by far the youngest nephew on our side of the family.  She even made me think I was good looking and that was a surprise to me as I was so self-conscience.  They seemed to have the perfect life.  They had a color TV and a water cooler in the living area (that is what folks had before air conditioners), and they lived in a big city, Ponca, and they went on vacations every year.  You might say I was even jealous or envious.  Every year I got to spend a week at their house, and it was a delight.

For a kid like me those were important people in my life, and it took me some time to realize that I also had a wonderful life growing up on the farm in Grainola and going to Shidler.  I was privileged to have a country life with open skies and loving parents and a brother and sister and no color TV or water cooler and not even a riding lawn mower even though we had the biggest yard you can imagine.

So what do you learn in the Osage?

  • I was blessed and I know they made a difference in my life
  • The grass is always greener away from where you stand
  • Little things and especially kind words can make a big difference in a person's life
  • don't underestimate your influence on others
Thanks for listening and check out my video, hope it works.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Dangit or damnit, what is the difference?

 Well, I don't know about you but some things are hard to understand.  When I was growing up there were three words used around my house:  hell, shit and damn, that were acceptable by my folks and just about everyone else.  Another thing about those words is that I used dang-it and dad-gum-it and heck and crap without hesitation.  And as I got older I remember my brother, Larry, coming home from college and he started using those big 3 words plus some new ones.  In fact I remember Janie and Sally and Billy all coming home using some of those words.  Being somewhat judgmental about it, I suggested that their college vocabularies were not impressive.  Of course I was the runt of the family and they paid no mind to me or my opinions.

Now that I have aged, like a good bottle of wine, I have figured out that those words are not a reflection of the real character of the person.  In fact sometimes just for effect I will through in one of those BIG 3 to get a reaction.  Maybe that is why folks wear those tattoos all over their bodies and rings in their noses and eyebrows, just to get a little more attention.  I suppose it is alright to have those things, after-all we put rings in the nose of hogs and we tattooed cattle in the ear to help identify each one.  In fact I was watching the NFL football games and I was amazed how dominate those items were on the players.  With those helmet's on, the long hair hanging out the helmet and the tattoos made it easier to distinguish who was who.  I don't see why they even need numbers on their shirts.

I guess it is ok for everyone to have all those markings on their faces and arms and wherever so we can tell them apart.  But the one good thing is I can undo the BIG 3 from my vocabulary but I cannot undo those tats and piercing without some scars being left behind. I suppose I would also like to think that my children and grandchildren would not be idolizing those folks.  Well, hell fire and damn those tats, they are the shits. (that was a joke for you judgmental folk) I think I might go get a nose ring so it will remind me of those days when we had hogs.

So what do you learn in the Osage?

  • your character is more important than your piercing or markings or bad words
  • your deeds and how you treat people really says who your are
  • you/me may have preferences but if we just strive to be like Christ is more important 
  • BUT to know Christ is the most important of all
Thanks for listening,

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Does it pay to hurry?

 I don't know about you but I guess I got it from my dad, Cliff Olson, in that I am always in a hurry.  In fact when I was about 12 years old I was in such a hurry to get out the back door that I stuck my hand right through a glass window.  Basically is cut the left side of my little finger off so much that I could see the bone and of course mom, Opal Olson, gave me a ride to Dr. Cecil Snyder in Winfield, Kansas.  

Now just a side note:  Dr. Snyder was the same doc that delivered me, and dad and mom paid the bill with a side of beef.  It is also worth noting that Doc told mom and dad that I would never grow very much because of my allergies to milk.  Every time I went to the doc he and the nurses would talk about how much I had grown.  In case you have not read in my stories, by the time I was in the second grade I was taller than my teacher.  Even when Doc Snyder passed away his son, Johnny, became our family doctor.

OK, back to the finger.  As it turned out they had to do something I had never heard of, they grafted skin off my arm and put it on my finger.  Today you can see where they took the skin more than the scar on my finger.  Pretty good job I would say.

Along the same line of hurry, I remember dad wanted me to take the hay rake to him using the Ford tractor.  Being in a hurry, I assumed he was across the creek cutting hay and needed it right away.  Bad mistake!  After about an hour of fighting with getting the rake across the creek and through the trees and narrow road, dad was pretty frustrated with where was I.  Of course I was frustrated because he was not where I thought he was.  In fact he was about 100 yards from the house where I started.  Luckily dad was pretty good at laughing at my mistake.

All this to say that my ADHD got in the way of getting things done too many times.

So what do you learn in the Osage?

  • sometimes it is cheaper/less expensive to SLOW DOWN
  • be thankful for a dad who can laugh at your mistakes.
  • Stop, listen, ask questions and then execute.  
  • Slow down, aim first then fire.
Thanks for listening,

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Box cars, what can you do with one?

 I remember watching the Midland Valley Railroad cars and counting them every time they would go by. Several of the folks around Shidler and Grainola had box cars (railroad cars) to store cattle cake (that means cattle feed) in them, but one story that is amazing but true I want to share.

I am blessed to have the best mother-in-law you could ever ask for, Naomi Davis, and she LIVED in a box car in North Texas around what use to be called Georgetown which is now under water in Lake Texhoma.  I don't think her kids, including my wife, knew that until the last year.  She was from a large family, 9 children, and before all of those kids were born her folks and at least 4 children lived in a box car.  Now I don't know about you but that sounds pretty rough.  Think about it, no bathroom in doors, no running water, no electricity and who knows what else.  No nice cushy beds?  No air conditioner and no heater?  During the summer they would sleep outside to beat the heat and at night they would sit under the trees and talk, play cards, dominos, and checkers and eat.  She watched the stars a lot and her grandparents lived down the road about 1/2 mile and they lived in a box car.  But you know what?  She enjoyed life and school and loved her family and they all worked hard and respected each other.  Did I mention she walked to school 1.5 miles each way?  She was a serious student and that might be because she wanted to get ahead in life.  Perhaps if we let folks struggle a little, they might work harder to get ahead.  Don't know, just thinking.

My mom, Opal Olson lived on the hill 1.5 miles from school in Grainola with a large family (8 children), but they did live in a house.  But still, no running water, no toilet, no electricity and no air conditioner or heater but they were happy, and they all prospered.

So, what do you learn in the Osage?

  • Not everyone gets a trophy, and they turned out very well, both families
  • No TV, cell phone or even a phone or a video game and they were all well-adjusted.
  • Hard work and a hard life allow you to grow up to be good citizens.
  • Question:  what is wrong with having a little adversity in your life?
  • I feel blessed!
Well, thanks for listening,
gary if you want to read more stories.