Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Visiting the SWAMP

 I hope everyone remembers visiting Washington DC and what an incredible place it is.  The history and what we stand for are everywhere except in the political arena, the SWAMP.  I am not going to get too political but here is what resonates with me and how it ties back to Grainola, Shidler and the Osage.

I am actually here today (2024 07 03) and yesterday I visited Arlington Cemetary where 100's of thousands of soldiers are buried who gave their life for freedom.  There were no black and white or red and yellow markers based on your skin tones.  It was all about those who served and cared.  I thought a lot about my family and particularly Uncle Snyd (Vernon) Snyder, Wayne and Stanley Patterson (on the Lane side of the family), Paul and Arnold Jones and my dad and many others.  

So, my question for you and hopefully my children and grandchildren is, "why and what for?".  I went to the FDR memorial which is quite beautiful and one of his quotes (not accurate but you will get the idea), was that "everyone should have food, shelter and not want".  What he stated also was that all should work if capable and I believe that was excluding those who are handicapped not those that have self-inflicted problems.  Even the handicapped can do something but the government/swamp folks are too stupid to figure out how to fix it.  Perhaps they should ask the people.  Let's do help those who cannot help themselves.  Sorry, I got off subject.

I don't think that is why these folks went in the service.  I think they went to preserve our freedom and way of life.  I agree no one should be hungry but I think a WANT to do better and a WANT to get ahead and a WANT to change are good.  I wanted to serve in the Marines and got drafted to only get turned down due to a back injury.  I wanted to be witty and talented like Steve Chrisco and Jimmy Heath.  I wanted to not drive on gravel roads.  I wanted to not milk cows, I wanted to work in an air-conditioned building like Uncle Bill Heath.  I can go on, but you get the idea, if you don't want for anything because it is handed to you then you will NEVER get over yourself or get out of the rut of complacency.  I once heard it said that the only difference between a rut and a grave was the ENDS are closed up.

My grandpa Olson came to America at 16 and the first day he was robbed and did not speak English and did not know anyone.  He WANTED a better life, and he came legally (yep, that is political).  He did not want to be hungry, so he scrapped to get a little food and ultimately found a job and worked his way to Kansas.  He did well because he WANTED.

About 50 years ago Susie Snyder said something to me that made a lot of sense and still makes sense today.  She said all the government programs/giveaways and I do mean ALL should have an end.  In fact, she stated that if you just decreased benefits every year by 5% then folks would have time to adjust.  That is too simple, but you get the idea.

Warning, this is political.  Would it be better for the government to NOT have the best pay and benefits so that there is an incentive to get a job outside of the government?  I do want to make an exception for schoolteachers, not administrative folks or college professors and their admin.  We all know that colleges have gotten out of hand on just about everything.

Well, I guess I better quit, but what do you learn in the Osage?

  • the government cannot fix anything
  • work and hard work is good for the sole
  • WANT and discipline are two of the most important aspects of a person's life
  • Jesus is coming and not soon enough in my opinion
Thanks for listening,